9th — 12th Grade

Rhetoric School

Persuading with Wisdom and Virtue

As students move through the Rhetoric School, our goal is to form a graduate who is wise, eloquent, and of godly character: a person of virtue. We realize that education and sanctification are lifelong endeavors and that every graduate has unique gifts, but our goal as a school is to work alongside our students’ parents in supporting the students’ growth. In the Rhetoric School, our students are taught both formal and informal logic alongside rhetoric, debate, and composition, where they learn to express themselves with “fluency, grace, elegance, and persuasiveness.” (Bauer, The Well-Trained Mind)

GCA students are taught to take the facts they have been learning since the grammar stage, organize them into logical statements and arguments, and then express them both confidently and winsomely. We recognize that simply expressing thoughts and arguments well does not make for a wise and eloquent students; these skills must be guided by the Spirit of God to express the truth of a given subject.

Course of Study

building the foundation of knowledge

In the Rhetoric School, much of students’ learning revolves around in-class guided discussions, where they will discuss and debate the great themes of human history and literature from a Biblical perspective.

Mathematics follows a progression through algebra I and II, geometry, pre-calculus and caluculus, with science classes complementing: physical science, biology, chemistry, physics, and anatomy & physiology.

Senior students complete a capstone project, writing and defending their thesis before friends and faculty as a way of demonstrating their classical, Christian education at GCA. Participating in this “Great Conversation” with wisdom and eloquence uniquely prepares our students to go out into the world and represent Christ and His kingdom in all endeavors.


Algebra I Honors

Geometry Honors

Algebra II CP or Honors

Pre-Calculus Honors

Calculus Honors

Physical Science Honors

Biology Honors

Chemistry CP or Honors

Physics Honors

Marine Biology CP

Anatomy & Physiology Honors

Ancient History Honors

Medieval History Honors

American History Honors

Government Honors

Economics Honors

Ancient Literature & Composition Honors

Medieval Literature & Composition CP or Honors

American Literature & Composition Honors

British Literature & Composition Honors

Spanish III Honors

Hermeneutics CP or Honors

Rhetoric – Public Speaking / Debate

Rhetoric – Composition

Senior Capstone Honors

Latin II

Choir, Theatre: Performing Arts, or Mock Trial

Parent Testimonials

Our choice for a Christian education was never about isolating our kids from the world or creating an echo chamber of beliefs. Quite the contrary, we firmly believe that being in the world and engaging with diverse perspectives is crucial. However, when it comes to their formal education, we wanted our children to encounter Truth presented without compromise. The classical approach, which focuses on logic and rhetoric, holds immense significance in shaping their ability to make wise decisions in the future. When you combine a Christian foundation with a classical education, you provide students with both the knowledge and the tools they need to navigate life effectively. It’s this holistic approach that resonates with us the most and underscores the value of classical, Christian education.

Skip & Kristen