Classical Christian Education

Our Philosophy

The mission of Greenville Classical Academy is to provide “a distinctly Christ-centered, biblical, and classical education.” This type of education contains several essential elements.


The basis of wisdom and knowledge is the fear of God (Proverbs 1:7). A Christian education has several distinctives.


a comprehensive way to understand all reality

A Christian education imparts a Christ-Centered worldview, fundamentally that God created all things good, but because of man’s sin, creation is fallen. Yet Christ has redeemed his people through his death and resurrection, and he has promised to return. His work and person is foundational to understanding the world.


one God created all things

Since he is behind all things, each individual created thing is related to all other created things. We seek to draw out the connections inherent in his creation.

Common Grace

God is the fountain of all good things and has blessed all people in countless ways

Our education reflects this: students read and discuss works by both Christians and non-Christians. Because his grace has been at work throughout history, our students read and discuss books from many ages and eras.


Education is about what type of people students become rather than what type of skills they receive.

Classical educators value virtues more than skills. Historically, the way children became the type of people who lead was through an education that focused on the liberal arts, which were the arts or crafts (artes) one needed to learn to be free. Educators traditionally have divided the liberal arts into two broad categories: trivium and quadrivium. The trivium (or “threefold path”) comprises “the arts of the word,” whereas the quadrivium (or “fourfold path”) encompasses “the arts of numbers.”

The Trivium

  1. Grammar – Grammar is the craft of words and sentences, which are vehicles to the imagination. Grammar encompasses sentence structure, word meaning, Latin, literature, poetry, and drama.

  2. Logic – Logic is the craft of testing ideas through reasoned argument. Conversation, Socratic dialogue, and logic are important facets of a GCA education.

  1. Rhetoric – Rhetoric is the art of persuasion. In a classical education, students learn the arts of grammar and dialectic ultimately to find beautiful uses of language to persuade others of truth.

The Quadrivium

The quadrivium includes arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. Each of these arts is a study of numbers, with arithmetic the study of numbers outside of space or time; geometry the study of numbers within space; Music a study of numbers in time; and astronomy a study of numbers within space and time. The study of math, science, and music is not simply a way to manipulate reality. These studies are ways into becoming the type of person who can think truly, clearly, and sequentially.

The Result

A Christian Paideia

Education is ultimately enculturation: It is imparting a culture to another generation. The Greeks used the word paideia to describe this process. As we remain  faithful to our mission, Greenville Classical Academy will, by the grace of God, produce graduates who care about speaking, thinking, reading, writing, and living well.

Our Methods

Suggested Reading List

Note: We do not concur with every idea in these works, nor do we endorse every author. But to develop a solid base in classical, Christian thought, these works are a good place to start.


The Lost Tools of Learning by Dorothy Sayers

An Introduction to Classical Education: A Guide for Parents by Christopher Perrin

Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: An Approach to Distinctively Christian Education by Douglas Wilson

The Liberal Arts Tradition: A Philosophy of Classical Christian Education by Kevin Clark and Ravi Scott Jain

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis

The Seven Laws of Teaching by John Milton Gregory

Norms and Nobility: A Treatise on Education by David Hicks

The Great Tradition: Classic Readings on What it Means to Be an Educated Human Being by Richard M. Gamble

Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America by Gene Edward Veith and Andrew Kern

Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation by James K.A. Smith

Beauty for Truth’s Sake: The Re-enchantment of Education by Stratford Caldecott

Repairing the Ruins: The Classical and Christian Challenge to Modern Education by Douglas Wilson & others

Wisdom and Eloquence: A Christian Paradigm for Classical Learning by Robert Littlejohn and Charles T. Evans